Adding movies from your computer to iTunes can be a convenient way to organize and enjoy your movie collection. Follow these simple steps to add movies to your iTunes library:

  1. Open iTunes: Launch the iTunes app on your computer. If you don’t have iTunes installed, you can download it from the official Apple website.
  2. Go to File: Click on ‘File’ in the top left corner of the iTunes window.
  3. Add File to Library: From the dropdown menu, select ‘Add File to Library’ if you wish to add a single movie or ‘Add Folder to Library’ if you want to add multiple movies at once.
  4. Locate the Movie: Browse your computer to find the movie file or folder you want to add to iTunes. Select the movie file and click ‘Open’.
  5. Movie Added: The movie will now be added to your iTunes library. You can find it by going to the ‘Movies’ tab in your iTunes library.

That’s it! You have successfully added a movie from your computer to iTunes. Now you can easily access and enjoy your movie collection across all your Apple devices.